Taking Stuff Apart: Nikko NA-550

From time to time I come across an old piece of electronics that I want to harvest some parts from. Stepping motors from floppy disk drives, Solenoids from zip drives, small DC motors from CD drives to name a few of my favorites. Audio Amplifiers in particular are my very favorit. They have lots of interesting and hard to find pieces.

Without further adieu, here's a before shot of this vintage 80's "Nikko NA-550 Integrated Amplifier" that I picked up at a landfill a few weeks ago. For anyone curious, the power button was jammed in the off position, which is probably what earned it a spot at the dump.

Got a bunch of nice metal knobs, some dB meters, some very nice Alps selector switches, some Alps potentiometers, a 2.5A breaker and some other misc parts.


  1. You ruined a perfectly good integrated amp? :(

  2. Well... it did come from the landfill. I tried turning it on (since the thing looked really cool) but it wouldn't. By the time I found out the power button was jammed it was too late.

  3. Hi, are you selling the parts?


  4. If you are selling the parts.
    My Contact:jleon92f@yahoo.com


  5. Hi again, I am trying to fix MY Nikko, and could really use the selector switch from your parts.


  6. I have one that is in well working condition. Can't seem to find them any where. Does anyone know how much they are worth?

  7. amp is from late '70s
    bought one in 78


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