I've been toiling away trying to come up with an algorithm which will make ants move in a believable manner while only using a very limited view (the 4 adjacent tiles which they can move to). This was much more difficult than I was expecting, it sounds too easy to say "the ants wander around randomly, then once they found food they could head home following the chemicals they left behind". Implementing it like that not only doesn't work, but the ants end up congregating around the ant hill and don't accomplish much of anything. The final algorithm is a set of rules that look like this: 1. If carrying food, call go home AI. 2. If carrying food and in base, drop food (or wander until there is a spot to drop the food), set chemical output to low. 3. If not on surface, wander until on surface. 4. If on surface, check for food, pickup, change chemical output to high. 5. If on surface and no food, try to follow a chemical trail. 6. If no trail to follow search f...