Using a JFileChooser to browse AWS S3
After a bit of searching I was unable to find an off the shelf solution to let me browse S3 with a JFileChooser . The closest I found was an S3 FileSystem implementation, but that doesn't seem to be used by JFileChooser. Instead you need a custom FileSystemView , which I implemented using minio as a simple client library. The code is not incredibly complicated so I wont explain it in detail. You can see that the custom S3FileSystemView is simply passed to JFileChooser to insert the S3 logic. The most interesting method is getFiles , that is where I decided to insert the buckets at the top level, so there is one switch which decides whether to call listBuckets or listObjects . From that point my custom VirtualFile objects are carefully constructed so that the File class plays nicely with JFileChooser. The result from selecting a file is something like s3:/bucket/path/to/file.txt which you will need to download yourself. VirtualFile could probably be exten...